
march 2022

hello how are you how the hell is it nearly april already! march means 2 years of plague and i'm not taking that well at all but on the bright side classes (in person no less) are back. well kinda just barely, because they delayed it by two weeks. whatever. it means my thesis is upon me, which i'm very excited about. it's still a little hazy in my mind but getting sharper. i kinda wanna try the Q/E camera controls from atlas gate, that felt good to play. i also think it'd be fun to have like. a secret area you access by just walking through a wall, though i also wanted to not have walls and make it outdoors. well, this way i could do both — you start inside and can leave.

but i also like the idea of storytelling from the edges and making a game manual instead of a "game". it has the added bonus of being a way smaller file size that can exist physically. however since i'd have to have some 3D renders in there it wouldn't be that much of a time saver — the only difference between that and a realized game would be the controls, which i can copy from my previous gallery. the manual would probably be better off as a companion, especially since there's a dissonance between the esoteric angle i'm adopting for my art and the desire to make AI and GANs transparently human-made. a tricky spot to navigate, this one, but i think i can separate theory and practice — my art doesn't have to be a teaching tool, it can just be art, especially as it can't be separated from the veiled and occluded trans stuff. the text of the thesis will do the theory talking.

oh and new on the site: a little writing on minimalist web design. i'm calling these shorter one-off musing writing things marrow and they'll go on my artlog index. i also did a little css tweaking. i've learned flexbox! also added some gradient spice as you can see here.

also, i've done progress on the dataplankton zine finally, decided to go for a webzine format so it'll be up on the site once i get the art done! hopefully in the first half of april?

tech talk

just wanted to mention i found out the name for the whole "we have to use up every last drop of performance from the new generation of tech -> oh no it runs like shit -> we need better tech!" bullshit: wirth's law. fucked up that it's been going on since like. forever.

also, kinda unrelated (?) but i found out elden ring's supposedly "running ps4 software in the ps5 so it seems faster" which. is really strange to me? it's the same game, in the same console (just one generation ahead), so like... isn't it the same as saying making the game for the ps5 would make it perform worse? idk. it's the exact same game regardless of platform, you know? i don't even have a point here, i just thought it was a really weird thing to say.

AI art

AI generated gif, shifting robe-like purple shapes with a halo.
sketchy painting of a faceless knight with a large red halo holding a red flaming sword against a red background of spikes. two amorphous shapes float in the sky.

wip / abandonware. there isn't much to it. again indexed for neocities, original on tumblr.

monochrome AI generated gif. pulsating geometry.

other art

digital portrait of a light gray wolf with blue eyes, against a blue background.

commission for Denali1050 over on FR, tried something a little different with the rendering. original on tumblr, you know the drill by now.

pen sketches of multiple abstract shapes with radiolarian elements

sketches during ceramics class :) these radiolarian skeleton-like shapes (well, they're dataplankton too i think) are my go-to doodle at the moment, followed by weird dogs, which are a classic.

oh and i also made a little ascii angel inspired by cinni's incredible ascii work. it was a pretty fun experiment :)

                  / .-. \
                 / /   \ \
                 ||     ||
 ________        .>     <.        ________
 \  ...  \____  //       \\  ____/  ...  /
  \____   ... \//         \\/ ...   ____/
       \______||           ||______/
              ||           ||
              \\           //
               \\         //
                \\       //
                 \\     //
                  ||   ||
                  \\   //
                   \\ //


anime and series


books (18/50)


that's all folks! see ya!
