
july 2022

hullo! all went well with my thesis, which means my work's only just began -_- i should be excited to see my ~vision~ realized but tbh i'm just kinda procrastinating... well, can't be helped though! tiny log this month, pretty uneventful. i've been writing a thingaring about vampires but it's not done yet (taking a break from it as i figure some things out) (it's my usual essay-adjacent fare) (i want to write a short story but it's complicated)

new on the site: more dataplankton; i consider act I done now, which sounds a bit dramatic for something that's just seven pages, but whatever. i'll work on the rest of it eventually, but i only have so much time and brainpower and i have a lot of thoughts i want to work on as well :0

line drawing; the nude torso of a man, crucified. red spectral hands touch his waist and chest


arfight artfight!! as predicted, i didn't manage to get a lot of attacks done, but it was pretty fun regardless! i'm linking to the attacks themselves here, but you can also see them on my artfight tag on tumblr :)

sketchy digital painting of a dark canine, wearing a green gas mask with a long “snout”, standing against a dark red background

celestialcave's asphyxiation

digital drawing of an anthropomorphic weevil wearing a starry blue wizard robe, matching pointy hat and a lilac scarf, holding a wooden staff. the hat’s large brim obscures its eyes, and its long antennae end in tufts, resembling a mustache

weevil wizard for ascalaphid


[lie] i was very normal about vampires this month!



books (45/50)

see you soon :)
