
august 2022

hi! had a bit of a hellish vacation trip late july / early this month which. yeah kinda sucked but i did enjoy many parts of it (got to visit plenty of museums).

thesis progress: i really hate working with 3d software (especially with my tiny laptop screen). really shot myself on the foot here. but i've made my mind to just allow myself to suck? like in the same way i've decided to allow myself to apply to jobs i'm dubiously qualified for, i'm making things easy for myself. i have a hard time working with 3d shapes so i'm using sprites instead; i'm not sure how lighting affects sprites on a 3d environment, so i decided not to worry about it if my finla lighting ends up rather flat. stuff like that you know? i'm far from being a perfectionist, i love the kinda ugly aesthetic of early graphics so hey! why not go ahead and make something amateurish anyway?

and here's a slice of what i want to work towards painting: tableaus of frolicking surrealist trans people. just. had a flash of it while in a museum. just idk bosch trans joy or something. um. word of warning there's non sexual nudity btw. no hard feelings if you'd prefer to skip the genitals.

digital painting. two anthropomorphic figures, tentacles intertwined. the one on the left faces the front; it is green with breasts and an enlarged clitoris. the one on the right faces the back and is purple

hell yeah really needed to paint something like this. had a ton of fun with the workflow itself too. i couldn't for the life of me get it to compress nicely, i was just not satisfied with the indexing (not a ton of compression and didn't even look particularly good imo). so i did commit anathema and 90% quality jpeg'd it. they love my lossy swag. do take a look at the original though

pen sketch; two nude abstract antropomorphic angelic figures, legs intertwined digital painting; two nude abstract antropomorphic angelic figures, legs intertwined. top: lilac, with two heads, top surgery scars and an enlarged clitoris. bottom: orange, with two breasts


movies and series

books (52/50 🥳) and manga

bye bye! :D
