
october 2023

hello my ghastly ghouls and happy halloween, hope you watch a lesbian vampire movie and think of me. i reached 25 reviews this month and am rather proud of that.

also! finished the the nonexistent knight yuri analysis! i'd like to revisit it to make it more in depth, but i'm pleased with what i currently have.

also some site changes on my end, i finally stopped being lazy and downloaded my website and set things up to update with git / the neocities cli. this makes absolutely no difference to you as a reader but is a bit more convenient to me, and let me reorganize the structure a bit (which is a pain on the web interface without drag-and-drop) (if i didn't catch a link when moving files and directories around and stuff has broken i'm sorry please contact me so i can fix it). i'm not even using github, which is neat (the backup would be nice but that's more moving parts that i don't wanna deal with rn). if you're interested on setting that up for yourself, this is how. it's pretty easy if you're at least a bit familiar with the command line. which you should be, so consider this a way of learning a thing or two if you aren't yet.

further notes on this method though: 1) change the git hook to neocities push --prune . so that files you delete locally also get deleted irl, lest your website becomes a Mess. 2) don't forget to create a .gitignore file containing the .git directory and itself (i also made and ignored a wip folder). nothing bad will happen if you don't, but the neocities cli will nag you about it.



movies and series

books and manga

