
december 2023

and so ends another year. damn. good-bad news: my boss is unbearable and i feel in the verge of a burnout (which i think it's something people who have actively burnt out say. nothing to worry about i'm sure !). so i quit the day after christmas! thank fucking god (said with the exact tone of fraxiom in food house's tenth track, metal). i'm fine financially but of course commissions help, since i won't go looking for a new job anytime soon (i'm not strong enough + wanna focus on my scholarly monk era), and i'll have some fixed expenses because...

objectively-good news: at the eleventh hour i got my grubby hands on some t gel. you heard me babey: hrt be upon me, two weeks as of posting this (january 3rd). could have done it before, one of the multiple times i opened the pharmacy website and hovered the mouse of the add to cart button, but that's beside the point! i uhh dunno what i'm gonna do once The Effects start to show but that's still at least a couple of months away probably. rn it's a lot more psychological (i feel a much earned sense of peace and relief, with a slight side of horny. and i think it shows and maybe that's what gave me the confidence to just fucking quit. well not the horny part probably). maybe also a bit of a sore throat from my vocal chords? that feels like placebo / coincidence (and i wore my voice ragged on the new year's eve friend trip lmao), though i think i am more comfortable with the lower pitches of my range. idk i'm not tracking anything. if you see me irl and notice changes uhh let me know.


digital drawing. a messily scribbled radiolarian skeleton resting at an angle against a pale background

painting the background as if it were traditional work was stupid and time consuming but i really wanted the texture as opposed to the flatness of filling it in by bucket. it's not the first time i do it, but this time it's quite a focal point, instead of simply me trying to add more texture to the plain background in a commission for example. it's a pretty direct result from my tanguy study last month, and the acrylic on canvas pre-study-thing. since there's no way to mimic the way light hits physical brushstrokes, using plain white-ish still looks flat, hence me shifting hue and brightness (though i could have made it less saturated and lower contrast). the digital process still forces the movements themselves to be different (i used a lot of straight back and forth lines for example, like with pencil), but i'm never really aiming for that sort of medium realism anyway. that's why i used pixel brushes and #0000ff in the first place.

digital drawing, profile view of a black and white dragon with harlequin markings and a mane of snakes digital drawing, bust of a dark gray and blue dragon, along with two fishes

two flight rising sketches for flipnote and large respectively; trying to get back into that.

digital sketch, three versions of a partially decayed anthro whale. 1) naked, covered in hagfish; 2) fully visible skull covered in giant tube worms; 3) wearing industrial goth-y clothes, jaws shut by an octopus. a detail view shows their feet are hoofed like an indohyus

and last but certainly not least: whale fall fursona. design needs some tweaking (i think the torso needs to be longer) also idk anything about whale anatomy so that skull is dubious. but anyway they’re a zombie being actively eaten and also an ecosystem. yes the animals consuming them are also part of them. don’t think too hard about it.

i'm also working on a vampire yuri interactive fiction (haven't decided if a visual novel or just text), for the queer vampire jam. the script is all planned out but has big big holes where i just... didn't write anything yet ♡. but submissions close on feb 20th so i have plany off time. it's a retelling of a specific section of carmilla, bertha's story, where i'm just doing whatever i want including hitting carmilla with the transmasc lesbian beam. i don't think it'll be very good, but i really wanna join. i'll keep you posted ^_^

and along with that, i'm planning on giving myself a bit of a self guided study curriculum because i have no idea where to start with my masters project. i intend on making 2024 a year of monastic unemployment, maybe i'll do that seasons and months thing for new years resolutions. i think i'll be able to put at least a few ducks in a row. for starters, i wanna practice working with scale; i'm dying to take a break from digital art tbqh i am aching and yearning to work outside this cramped little world.



movies and series

books and manga

not gonna do a favorite media list this year... idk not really in the mood... sorry... just read ted chiang and watch lake mungo. my final message.

happy new year!
