
august 2024

um hey hi hello. went on masters lockdown this month. wayy overdue because i'm plagued by demons and a terrible lack of discipline. maybe if i got into speedrunning i'd have developed the monomaniacal persistence trait. but it worked out in the end regardless; the project is decent enough and i'd submit it even if it sucked major ass. as we speak it's already been submitted and all that's left to do is wait. and read some pdfs to prep for the exam.

new on the site: hybrid bullet hell corner, where i talk about some games. there's a lot over there, please check it out. oh yeah babey writing the masters proposal project was like pulling teeth (except dentists did that for me so it was even harder than pulling teeth actually. what's the deal with this idiom) but i can procrastinate by writing twice as much on viddygames (counting this here blog post, i wrote 7k words for the site this month [i wrote the picayune dreams post in july]). enjoy.


digital pastel painting. a train-creature, with centipede legs, sips from a greyish river

been meaning to paint this for sooo long but i kept forgetting. the polluted waters make it sick :(

digital pastel painting. a dark gray veilspun dragon, lying down. he has multiple bright green eyes along his body, and black and green flames rise up from him

foddart commission for grimmdaydream on flight rising.

digital pastel painting. an abstract object (or two?) entertwined, lying on the sea shallows

craving the seaside though i don't like the beach that much. i indulge my friends in their hole digging but annakin is right about sand yknow. i find rocky beaches a bit off putting but i do think it'd slay to not have to deal with sand.

digital pastel painting. a vast plain. an abstract object sits on top of another acrylic painting. upon an ochre and greenish plain two abstract objects intertwine: one dark with spikes, one light and translucent with tendrils.

first one was just a quick sketch at the bar. second was a bit of extra padding for the masters project. this canvas is dented in two places and just wetting it didn't work -_-

digital pastel painting. a plain in shades of blue. objects upon it: a klein's bottle; a spiral; a sphere, mid eversion; lumps.

this one's a study for a painting mom asked me to do, for a specific place in the house. she doesn't know what she wants though, only that it should be blue. so i'm playing around.

the masters project thing

since i didn't shut up about it all month in my social medias you too, website purveyor, will get me talking about my project. yes if you're curious this is also me procrastinating, and yes it was a lot easier to write than the same amount of words over there. academic writing is tough and unnatural; i need to be casual and conversational when writing or i die.

don't be fooled by my humors being unbalanced towards melancholic. i work in bursts and don't eat the core of apples. it's hard for me to imagine commiting to something so far ahead. what if by the time i'm actually studying i already exhausted the subject. two years are a long time (not really). when borges said "the better way to go about [composing vast books] is to pretend that those books already exist, and offer a summary, a commentary on them" — i simply lean towards the short form.

so this preamble is to say: it took me a long time to settle on something (remember i "missed" an entire year¹; if all else failed i'd considered beefing up the the nonexistent knight yuri, though drawing people and armor is simply not my calling). i figured the plain and its objects would give me the most breadth, especifically in its erotic iteration² (working (?) title pornography for things). but as we speak, as i write, the project is already trying to garden of forking paths⁴ itself.

the current goal is simple. i want to paint large canvases. i've wanted to for ages and this is very suitable subject matter: make the plain fill the entire field of vision, have you lose yourself in the surface (sometimes i wonder, do i go back to the plain, the emptiness, the vastness, as the focus?). but wouldn't it be great, i think to myself, to paint them small, intimate (make intricate custom frames out of papier machê too), like miniatures you'd give to a lover (or maybe like magazine cutouts — and what if i made a porn magazine, centerfold and all?), force you to get close. of course i could do both things but shouldn't the proposal be tight and show clarity of vision?

in any case, my main goal is to apply no matter what. actually getting approved is secondary to being able to say i went and tried. in no small part so my family can't complain about my extended unemployment and disinterest on getting any job at all forever (not gonna let my mind dwell on that fact; if anyone wants a trophy guywife i'm entertaining that as a career). i'll work on the project regardless though, but without structure i'll just drift into other things. which i'm ok with as well. i gotta read my epubs and pdfs that have nothing to do with object sex. i wanna read the idea of the labyrinth: from classical antiquity through the middle ages and foucault's pendulum and testo junkie and about hilma af klint and mark rothko and maybe i'll get hit by a non fatal lightning strike that suddenly gives me the power to do these things instead of rotting on my puter all day, for the first time in my life.

and shit, i still gotta implement bertha's translation.



mostly playing (a lot of) rabbit and steel. had a pretty decent hop (^_^) in skill now that i stopped trying to make assassin happen and tried defender out, and now i can finally clear normal mode consistently, so i'm now working on hard solo and normal hitless. also confidently playing coop with strangers, very fun. wanna play with friends again soon! and a little maiden and spell as well, i got it working on the thinky and again, it's very short and not too hard.

movies and series

i am. watching rivvy again — finally finished season 3 and i'd stopped just before things really climaxed, which means i had a great fucking night watching those last four episodes. and slid right back into its rhythm. oh they found no remains except for betty's dad hand surprisingly well preserved? surely he can't have chopped it off himself as part of his plans. ah i do love my little the sims logic tv series. it'd slay to make a coherent analysis some day¹ but it's a lot of source material (and i'm not really that good at media tbf), but that's the sort of massive undertaking that's only really achieved by full time video essayists with a robust patreon backing. i'd spend half an hour on cheryl's outfits probably — i think the costumes are overall really good characterization, but cheryl is so over the top with her signature red that she's more fun to talk about.

books and manga

i've also finally remembered to catch up with runaway to the stars my friend rtts! i'd forgotten to add it to my rss reader. currently reading the death i gave him by em x liu.

