image compression enthusiast

digital pastel painting. a thin white cilinder, spiked, lies horizontally on a hazy plain

hi, welcome home. i'm Sol! this site is an evolving collage, a memento box, one of my online brains.

good starting points are my blog, my gallery or, of course, the sitemap.

free palestine

the site is the current home of whatever it is i want homed more or less independently. that is, this site is whatever the hell i feel like putting on it at the moment. i highly enjoy that.

i strive to describe all images on this site through alt text, although my dollmaker will be perpetually undescribed. this site has light/dark themes, based on your browser's preference.

i avoid js like the plague (the dollmaker is yet another exception) on like, ideological levels. in some areas you'll also see indexed or otherwise compressed images, for the same reason: reducing bloat and having a website that loads fast and doesn't take up much room. i've written some of my thoughts on digital degrowth and conscious compression on my april 2022 artlog — i also recommend reading about permacomputing over at compudanzas and xxiivv.

sometimes throughout the site you'll find links like this. those are gemini protocol links, and you can't open them on any regular web browser. there are several clients you can use (i like lagrange). or you can also use a proxy like the smolnet portal. i usually link to the proxied version of a page when linking to gemini, but sometimes i forget. for more info on gemini, see the project homepage. my capsule is at gemini:// i'd love to mirror it here as texts files sometime but that'd be hellish to keep up to date.

the webmaster

names are Sol and (occasionally?) Venus (space theme accidental). i'm a transexual androgyne (they/them), brazilian, artist, born in 2001 and raised on the worldwide web (and branching into gemini, an alternate internet protocol). i dislike capital letters, enjoy plaintext, and love talking about myself but am very bad at writing "about" blurbs. figured i'd give it a go anyway: i love reading about the people behind the sites i visit, so i'll give you something to read as well!

current projects: dataplankton webzine (kinda hibernating)

currently into: vast empty plains, sky and land merging in the horizon, infinite nothingness and alien structures and objects. so looking into yves tanguy and kay sage.

haunts.html for all my external links (stay here for a while though!)

status cafe profile